Adult Time Outs

This week happens to be an extraordinarily busy week ahead for me. It can be challenging for many of us to weave in self care when the tapestry of our day is filled with people, places and things. A good reminder that I give myself is to fill my cup first in order to give from a place of abundance to others vs. a place of depletion. Depletion leads to burn out, resentment, accidents, and a myriad of other negative consequences. 

Today I choose to fill my cup at regular intervals, to breathe, to step away - even if for a few moments - and to reconnect with self. In fact, by posting this reminder I am doing just that. After which I will enjoy some watermelon and almonds and step outside to take a breath. 

Where can you schedule in a few minutes of self care today? As you can see, my kitty Stanley has a great sense of humor and really knows how to indulge in regular self care intervals! Let's take a lesson from Stan today! Now, on to my watermelon snack...

Kindly and in support,

Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S

What do you do for self care? Let us know in the comment box below!
