Marriage and Couples Counseling in Glendora, CA

Do you need Support from a Counselor who understands Marriage and Relationship Challenges?

"Thank you so much for not giving up on us when we were ready to throw in the towel. We were steps away from divorce court a year ago. Now, using and practicing the tools you have given us at Growth Counseling has brought us closer than we had ever believed possible!"
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Maintaining a fulfilling and loving marriage and relationship can be a challenge in today’s fast paced environment. Often couples come to us feeling lost and discouraged and out of hope.

Couples often come in to see us complaining of feeling misunderstood and unappreciated by their spouse or partner, and disconnected from their mate.

Or they may be dealing communication issues, cheating and infidelity, problems in hearing one another, or many years of unresolved anger.

Helping couples learn a new love language and find each other again is something we are passionate about at Growth Counseling Services.



Help for Infidelity and Betrayal

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For other marriages and couples, the shock of discovering that the person you love has “cheated” can be one of the most devastating experiences in an individual’s life. Though it can feel as if it is the end of the relationship, through therapy, couples can begin to safely explore core issues, while learning and practicing exercises in order to establish new ways of being together, and work to restore trust, love and sexuality.

We work with infidelity, Internet affairs, pornography addiction, emotional affairs, sexual deception, and other issues that impact relationships every day. Growth Counseling Services provides a safe, non-judgmental space for both straight and gay clients, and clients who are married or unmarried, of any race or religion. We are committed to helping couples learn solid tools that that will support and challenge you and your partner to heal, grow, and thrive.


Schedule an Appointment

If you are interested in couples or marriage counseling,
you are welcome to contact us.